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Match target record by another field

Single cardinality endpoints (e.g. get and update endpoints) must have a target record on which they will work on. They take the parameter from URL and try to match a target record by one of it's fields. By default, they will match them by id field but if you need to match them by another field (e.g. slug) you can use entrypoints identify atom.

model Repo {
field name { type string }
field slug { type string, unique }

entrypoint Repo {
// identify Repo record via "slug" field
identify { through slug }

get endpoint {}

// HTTP call
// GET /api/repo/<slug>

In identify, through can also define a nested path, e.g. "profile.username". The path has to be able identify an unique record, so it can only traverse fields and relationships which are marked as unique.

Customizing which data to return

When returning records, by default, only direct fields of the target model will be included. If a model has relations or references to other models, these fields can also be included as nested object in endpoint response.

// includes ALL fields of "author" relation
response { id, title, author }

// includes only "name" of "author" relation
response { id, title, author { name } }

response supports much more than that! Check out advanced data selection guide!

Nested entrypoints

Entrypoints can be nested.

api {
entrypoint Post as p {
entrypoint comments as com {
// PATCH /post/:post_id/comments/:comment_id
update endpoint {}
// POST /post/:post_id/comments/
create endpoint {}


list endpoint supports a paginable property. It modifies the endpoint to expect page and pageSize URL parameters. This property modifies the response schema.

Example request with pagination parameters


Response schema

Without paginable

Consider the following snippet:

entrypoint Post {
response { id, name }
list endpoint {}

The response would look like this:

{ "id": 1, "name": "First post" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Second post" }

With paginable

With paginable, the Gaudi code would look like the following:

entrypoint Post {
response { id, name }
list endpoint {

And the response schema would be as follows:

"page": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalPages": 1,
"totalCount": 2,
"data": [
{ "id": 1, "name": "First post" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Second post" }