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Action block

Actions are located in endpoints inside an action block and can contain one or more actions. Actions in an endpoint are all wrapped in a database transaction.


action {
// ... actions

Create and update actions

Create action creates a new record in a collection. Update action updates values of a single record.

Create and update action support input, reference or set properties.


create <target> [as <alias>] {
// optional "input", "reference", "set" properties
update <target> [as <alias>] {
// optional "input", "reference", "set" properties


// creates a new record in "Org"; created record is available under "newOrg" alias
create Org as newOrg {}
// updates an existing record
update newOrg as newerOrg {
input { name }



  • default: provides a default expression which will be stored if client hasn't provided a value (thus, marking an input as optional)
  • requried: marking an input as required, validating that the value is provided by client (useful in update action in which all inputs are optional by default)


update myOrg as newOrg {
input { name, description }

create Org as newOrg {
// "name" is implicitly an input
input {
description { default "Description of " + name }

update org as newOrg {
input {
name { required },
} // name is required, description is optional

You can use input * to list all the fields in a resource.


Set defines a server-side expression which will be executed when action triggers.

set <field name> <expression>


set name "My name"
set currentTs now()
set description "Created at " + stringify(currentTs)


reference-through can be used on model's reference properties. It defines a path that can uniquely identify a referencing record by a value provided by clients.


reference <reference name> { through <identifier path> }

We use reference-through to describe an action "reference" property, to easily differentiate from reference, a model property.


model User {
reference profile { to Profile }
model Profile {
field email { type string }
model Org {
reference owner { to User }
// example actions
create User as user {
reference profile { through email }
create Org as org {
reference owner { through }

Delete action

Delete operates on any kind of relationship, both single records and collections. It doesn't support any properties, and can't have an alias.


delete org.repos {}

Validate action

A validate action can be used to run custom validation expressions. It expects a key which specifies under which field name the error will be added in validation error response.


validate with key <key> {
// validation expression


create Org as org {}

// report error under "description" key
validate with key "description" {
// ensures that description is different than name
isNotEqual(, org.description)

Query action

Query actions can be used to run arbitrary queries in order to fetch the data or to make changes on existing data. Affected data can be stored in the context with alias, so it can be referenced in the following actions.

Action supports select, update and delete properties.


query <as <alias>> {
from <target>,
filter { <expression> },
// update data
update { <list of properties> }
// or delete data
// or select data
select { <list of names> }


// make all user posts private
query as updatedPosts {
from User.posts,
filter { isDeleted is false },
update {
set isPublic false

Usage of select property

If select atom is omitted from query, Gaudi will automatically return only properties actually used in subsequent actions but still consider it to be of target model type (e.g. Post). Providing explicit select will turn this alias into a struct type.

Respond action

Respond action can be used to send custom response to client request. It can be used to send static response or use data in the action context provided by other actions (e.g. fetch).


respond {
body <expression>
[httpStatus <code>]
[headers {
"header name" <expressions>,
// ... other headers


query as updated {
from Org,
update { set foo "foo" },
select { id, name, foo }

respond {
body updated
httpStatus 202
headers {
"My custom header" stringify(count(updated))

Execute action

execute actions allow execution of custom javascript code using hook. The result of this custom code can be stored in the context using action alias and used in later actions.


execute as <alias> {
hook {
// hook properties


execute as rating {
hook {
arg user_id
source fetchUserRating from "hooks/redis.js"



Input is used to include target model property in an input schema and/or to override some of it's properties (e.g. validation).



Makes input field optional and omits it from action if not provided in input.


// optional
update {
input {
<field_name> [{ options }]

Usage in actions

create and update actions operate on a single record, as per cardinality rules.


create Org as newOrg {}

update newOrg as newNewOrg {
// accept only "name" in input
input { name }

create org.memberships {
set user @auth
set role "admin"


Set is used to manually set field value and omit them from input schema. This value can be any valid expression or a hook that resolve to primitive value.


// primitive value
update {
set isPublic false

// from context
update {
set author userFromContext

// hook
set nameAndDesc hook {
arg name name
arg desc description
inline '`${name} and ${desc}`'